Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I finally **CRACKED**!

That's terrible I know. I don't eat before work and I don't really eat during lunch. I need help. It was the end of the day when I couldn't think of what I had to do. I know I had voice mails, but I just tried to return as many calls as possible. I didn't want to return the check the right way. I just wanted to put it into an envelope and let it go away. But did that happen? NO! And do you know why? AS. Enough said I think.

I also got asked about the whole apartment thing from TB and I said I haven't received anything from the collection agency.

We're having a paper issue in the office. Only down to a couple of packs. That's terrible. Also, I think working overtime has really killed my drive to work. Too much to do and no time at all. Sending people to the attorney is good, but also bad. I don't have time to do all that. I mean I should say get everyone to me after I give you a list of who's bad.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Dam said she'd help me, but did she? NO.
Hours overtime today: 1.5

Monday, March 28, 2005

A little relaxing...

I felt I wasn't under any pressure. Lord knows I had enough of it on Friday. I sent out the rent increase notices or at least got someone to help me. The word around the office is super slow. OM is on VACATION (not bloody fair). AA is out on personal days.

I worked over time to get some stuff done. I know I don't want everything on me tomorrow when I have way more to do. It's good that I get rid of the bigger amounts and not the smaller ones. I had many to do and with many more people being sent to the attorney it's just getting crazier.

Supplies are running low and it's not good. The paper in the office is really on LOW. I mean we only have packs left. I hope that it'll be smooth from now on. I can't believe AS said she'd help. Will she is the question now.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS:
Hours overtime today: 1.5

Friday, March 25, 2005

Help me! I'm helpless!

How many times have you heard that before? AS asked LA to "fix" the fax machine. LA doesn't know how to do it. Then AS asked FCS to "fix" it. I am tired of it. The damsel in distress game is so annoying.

AA won't be in the office all next week. I'm not sure why, but if AS plays "damsel" I'll give two weeks notice. AS did something that I'm objecting to. AS said that we should bill tenants for 3 Day notices. First of all, when will I have time to do that? That will slow me down so much. Did owners say they didn't want to pay? Who is going to check every since person who we 3 Day? Not me. I'm going to have to talk to TB about it.

PMT came into the office and didn't even bother checking out who wasn't paying or not after I spent time looking it up. DAM IT! SHIT! She said she would come in and she did. BUT she didn't look over who owed money. Even one of the owner's faxed over to her what is PMT going to do to get the money in.

The rest of the day I spent doing regular stuff. It's not fair that R and LA don't have to do anything while I slave away. I have too much to do and I can't do it all. Help me!

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Asking about something so simple as to fix the fax. It said PAPER JAM. How hard is it to remove the PAPER to see if that's all it needed?!
Hours overtime today:

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Another good day...

Today was wonderful. No AS until the afternoon. However, there was one "stupid" moment. AS asked me where AA was. I said AA is out to lunch. AS struts into the office around lunch and doesn't have enough common sense to think, "Oh it's lunch time. AA might be out to lunch."

Then I explain to her about this tenant who has his mom's rent into his account when he didn't pay his was settled. I said that he should have to have a late fee for this month. AS said find the batch and fix that one. I was thinking you are dreaming if you want me to do that. Go do it yourself.

PR came in and was pissed. She wondered who touched her stuff and wasn't too pleased about it. Then later on I was thinking she'll hear about it later. PR also asked me about my health insurance which was strange. Not my concern right?

OG was in the office today. OG heated up his lunch and ate it. Strange he is. OG is also getting a hair cut. Thank god because he looks terrible with or without the haircut.

I lose track of time so fast. I have to sit my butt down and get stuff done. I find myself walking around and talking when I should sit my butt down and work. This isn't good.

Tomorrow shall be great again if I only have to see AS partially. YES!

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Asking and ASSuMEing.
Hours overtime today:

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

AS got the piss taken out of her...

AS was told off by TB. Classic. Love it. I was grinning from ear to ear. That was the most entertaining thing I've seen all week or since I've been there. I love sitting in the back. I get to hear all the funny things. That's the perk. The downside is that AS will bug me like mad. I can't stand the woman!

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS:
Hours overtime today:

Monday, March 21, 2005

The best story I've heard all year...

FCS told me something funny. I only mention this because I was in a bad mood, but this cheered me right up. When the old AR was here he came back from moving his car (it's permit parking only 2 hour limits) and AR said that he saw a car being towed. It was a green Accord. That was AS's car. FCS went out and then saw AS looking for her car. AS said she parked it here, but it's not there anymore.

Later AS gets a call from the impound lot saying they have her car. Also, a cab was called so she could go and pick up her car. What kind of person parks their car and blocks a person's driveway? A lazy ASS that's who. I swear people think it's to be me, but it isn't. I have a desk swamped with papers. I have checks in a drawer that I don't even want to touch. That's how terrible my desk is. I'm going to devote myself until the middle of this week to get all the problems solved. If I have to look over a ledger I'm doing it at home. I can't sit in the office to do it.

Thank God AS left me the hell alone. I swear one more thing to bug me about and I'd lose my mind.

I think the one thing that will stand out from today is the transgender who came in. She said that it was strange that her check wasn't cashed. She got a money order instead just in case to pay off the rent. After she left TB wondered if it was a guy or a girl. I said it's a girl. She was a he, but now a she. Then I had to say we have another one living on Divisadero. TB was somewhat shocked because I guess he's sheltered. I had no problem knowing. I guess all those times watching Maury finally paid off. Is it a Man or a Woman? shows really worked. Nothing can phase me. I guess it's all part of living in San Francisco.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS:
Hours overtime today:

Friday, March 18, 2005

I take home work...

Yes, I took home two people's account to find out what the hell was wrong with it. No I'm not joking. Working has consumed me. I was down and I really had no appetite and would just munch on snacks. There s something wrong with me. At least I wasn't bugged at all today. I was only asked once about something.

Most used words in the office are:
- research
- project
- teaching
- learning

I acted like a "dork" in the office. No really I did. I heard the OM phone ring and I started to "fly" around the office. Then PMB brought stuff into the office and I acted as if it was Christmas. I asked if there were presents for me. It wasn't for me. Then it was funny to see PMA and PMT compare the Blackberry. They were talking about how you can do this and that. It was as if they were showing off who knew more what.

PMB had the Bluetooth in his ear and I said he looked like a cyborg and even joked he had a nice earring. That's my sad sense of humor. I took home work to do to work on people's accounts. Now I know I'm working too hard.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Asking me if I need to put money into accounts.
Hours overtime today: almost 30 mins

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Bliss then hell...

AS came in late and I was happy. Then she came in and it was as if I had just been hit in the head. Even in an e-mail AS said, "If you find it please let me know/bring it to me." What the fuck? DO I look like your slave?

Shit I can't stand he laziness. It's eating me slowly. I wonder if anyone before me in the position that I'm in had these problems? I really just want to walk out of the office and not go back in. I know what I'd be facing in there and if I just blindfolded myself and not looked at lights would that be better? I'd end up on the news and I'd be in the hospital, but would it be the right thing to do over a job?

AS also does things to bug me. I changed the sign that I put on the copier to gold or yellow color. Does it get respect? Nope. It's still ignored. I've since tried to make sure that it stays well or works is the better word. No reaction.
AS just doesn't care about the office at all. If AS did then AS wouldn't be leaving the copier cover up.

AS thinks that everyone should just move a side when she needs to copy. AS can't walk to the front of the office because it "too far". This office or AS is eating me alive. Must either get paid more or find a better job that's less "stressful".

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Just being in the office.
Hours overtime today:

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Can someone put me out of my misery?

I know I gave choices yesterday, but today I really wanted them. Getting bugged by people isn't fun. I mean, really it isn't. Let's see what AS did today shall we?

AS couldn't or didn't know where the ribbon for the typewriter was. After it was shown to her she didn't change it. AS believes that FCS is the "fixer" or "handy person" of the office. AS also believes that everyone should do stuff for her. AS is unaware that we have a FC. AS wanted the ribbon on the typewriter in the back changed so badly because AS is too lazy to use the one in the front of the office.

AS constantly leaves the copier cover open when there is a sign placed there to say keep it closed. AS doesn't believe that she should have to follow the "rules" of the office since she's a "contractor". AS is self-centered and lazy. AS can't walk to the front of the office because she's too lazy. I bet that's what she did when I wasn't around. Just put everything on the desk for the temp to file. AS has at least still a dozen pens in her desk after I took out a good amount from AS. If you need supplies check AS desk.

Let's move on to AP shall we? AP thinks she can order anything and everything now that I'm not the person ordering supplies. AP wants keyboard cleaner (what's wrong with a paper towel and some alcohol?), a mouse pad (those things such anyways), and I don't know what.

FCS doesn't know that AP is using her. I mean I don't think I am, but more like I'm just trying to help FCS see the evil in people.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP: Orders whatever she wants.
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Need a label on a clear box, assuming ALL THE TIME, and a hypocrite.
Hours overtime today:

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I hate the office!

This isn't a joke. Everything is OK except one person. $50.00 says you know who the hell it is. I complain to FCS about it, but she gets my pain. FCS is thinking about staying for a while since she has no motivation to find a job. I on the other hand can't wait to get the hell out of this office. It's making me crazy. Every little thing I just want to shout, "It's not my fault! I don't know! You didn't teach me!"

As you can tell AS is back in the office. For love of God, why can't you do what you say? I mean how hard is it to do something completely? She gets not mad or angry that I deleted the stuff and I tried to say or wanted to say, "Well why didn't you change the address of the owner when he sold it?" I wouldn't know would I? I'm just an innocent person. All this is getting to me. I need to either be fired or quit. Either way I don't get to collect unemployment. I need to find out how I can do it the "smart" way.

OM is 28 roughly. She said it's been about 8 years since she's been out of high school. Dam, I'm coming close with like 6. That means she's two years older than me. Maybe three. FC didn't come in because of

I get "teachings" (the new word of the day) or "preaching" as I like to call them. They're so annoying. I don't see why I have to fix something she did wrong. And it's not the only one I had to fix that she did wrong. I'm fixing something that she did wrong back in August of 2004! That's when I wasn't even working there. WTF is up with that?!

AS and her "teachings" suck. AS sucks the most. AS can't even walk to the front to use the front copier when the back is being used. LAZY ASS! Shit! One of these days I'm either going torch her car or whatever to it. DAM. So to who ever is reading this I leave you with this message. If one day you're watching the news and you read about a killing and it's some short Asian person then it's me.

Today I wanted to end my misery in the office by either cracking my skull with the following:
- Wooden cabinet doors
- Wooden beam
- Metal cabinet door
- Regular wall

What did I choose in the end? Nothing. I would rather get hit by a bus or a car outside of the office. Yup.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Didn't give me the chance to explain myself. Calls lectures "teaching". Who the hell cares?
Hours overtime today:

Monday, March 14, 2005

Peace in the office...

No AS! WHOOOO! I could relax and try to solve some problems. I didn't get many done, but the ones I did I still have a few things to do. Make some copies and then put it into the folder. I have a ton of stuff to follow up on. It's not even funny.

OG came into the office today. He forgot what he had to take. Damn. Can he BE anymore forgetful? OK that was my Chandler Bing imitation. Then I find it on my chair. Then I thought that maybe I was having a bad dream or something. Then he did come back to pick it up so it was OK.

I realized I have to proof read what I type. I don't and that's bad. It makes no sense sometimes. I had to be nice, which I wasn't in some of them. Then there's also the fact that some I was just plain rude, but what else could I do? Oh well, tomorrow it's off to solve more problems. Tomorrow is another day.

Things found in AS desk:
- 4 or 5 yellow highlighters
- 1 orange highlighter
- 4 rulers (one taped down don't know why) 3 left since I took one back
- pens (still about a dozen or two)
- 1 pair of scissors since I took mine back.
- 2 stapler removers
- and a whole lot of crap

TB received a lot of phone calls from tenants about owing money. Some guy called in and said he received a statement saying that he owes about $4.63 (guessing) and TB just deleted the call. How great is that? I wish I could do that. I am delaying when I call up the attorney. I don't want to talk to him.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP: Already making at least 37K from rumors that I heard. Not even a year or close to it. DAMN.
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Nothing because she wasn't here. Wait there was something. She STOLE my ruler!
Hours overtime today:

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Why can't I forget about work?

It's a Saturday afternoon and the first thing that pops into my mind is that I have to e-mail something about work related to myself. It's the FUCKING WEEKEND! This is just annoying now. This will be the third e-mail I send to myself this weekend. I am making myself crazy.

If this doesn't stop I'll seriously have to consider changing jobs. Anyone have a job for me?

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS:
Hours overtime today:

Friday, March 11, 2005


Today was a crazy day. OK, not that crazy, but relaxing. I mean I had a few problems. I worked to get everything into the computer. I realized that some I didn't have to, but my brain was on over drive. No one to "supervise" me left me working harder than I usually do. I think because I didn't have someone looking over my shoulder all the time. Maybe because it was just a couple of things that went wrong and not too many problems.

Today there were a few things that went fine. I mean there were a few tenant calls that I cleared up, but nothing that I couldn't handle. Simple calls which were fine with me. Then when TB forwarded calls to me I thought oh great. There's one tenant that wanted to know if we cashed her check because she had to balance her check book. Geez. Those are the calls that are just a pain to return unless it's a machine. Then there was some other guy who asked if he wrote his check came in and stuff.

I had to rush to get the checks done so that they could be taken to the bank. I hurried up and I did it as fast as I could. I tried to be fast and accurate. I just wanted to get rid of all the checks so I didn't have to look at any and pull out any 3 Day notices. Whatever was outside I just left there. I said forget it. I'll just be lazy for a day. I have so much to catch up on it wasn't even funny.

I did the 3 Day notices and I put them together with the statements that AA had done. Eventually they'll have to be together anyway, but TB has to approve it before it gets sent out. I put it on his desk so that he could look it over and get them signed for me.

OG was in the office today. I was shocked to see him. He does use the office supplies to do his work. He does leech off the office. I thought our supplies were low and there's the reason. I got almost everything done and I'm learning slowly to do things. I mean I reversed a late fee today which is something big. I learned how to post to GL yesterday I think or the day before that. See I'm slowly learning from AA, but AS hasn't a clue what I know and what I don't know.

I have a terrible memory. I forget where I place things and when and where things are. If there is memory food out there please let me know. PR was asking for time sheets and I forgot where they were and that I had some. That's terrible. I'm saying sorry left and right to people that call and to PR.

I did everything I had to and was shocked to find out TB said that we could leave at 3.00 p.m. AA and I were
happy. We thought we deserve it and earned it. We work so hard it's nice to have a couple of hours off. We left at about 3.15 p.m. but that's OK. As long as we got done the major things then it's fine. First one to leave was LA then AA and myself. I don't know who else was in the office or that left, but OM was there because she was out for part of the day. IF AS was here there would be no way we could leave early.

The joke in the office now thanks to OG is that today was "Africa" hot.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: NONE!
Hours overtime today:

Thursday, March 10, 2005

What do you take me for?!

I arrive at work not knowing where to begin. Of course it was go through the 3 day notices to be faxed out to others. I should have had it done yesterday, but I was still sorting them out. AS asked me this after my lunch. Hello? When are late fees given? When do you have to tell or threaten tenants about paying rent? After the grace period of course. Dam this whole when does this happen is starting to annoy me. I mean if it's not one thing it's another.

AS asked me to post money to one of the owner's account. I did so. AS asked me why I wasn't doing that? Because I had other things on my mind. At least I posted it. If I forget she could ask me. I mean she did see me have the stuff all over my desk. At least I'll have bliss for two whole days.

FC came in today for 30 minutes. Yes, 30 minutes. No joke. He had an orthodontist appointment. No big deal. I don't really care. Tomorrow is the day I'll ask him to do something fun and different since OM won't be in the office. I mean of course I know what to do, but does she? Does she feel useless? If so I can show her a ton of things that she can be doing. AS has a file on her desk that PMA asked her to fix probably in October or something, but did she? NO. I think I'll "tell" on her tomorrow. I'll just drop subtle hints to PMA.

PMA isn't that bad. He actually said was there a time that he ever said no. I couldn't think of one, but then again I've just started there.

TB will be back tomorrow and I have to show him that I got stuff done. Hopefully everything will fall into place.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Asking me if I did 3 day notices.
Hours overtime today:

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

More laziness...

I arrive at work today thinking it's just any other day. I was wrong. I look to get the checks from yesterday that I didn't have a chance to post. Low and behold I find the checks that AS said she would deposit. AS told me yesterday that if I prepared the deposit for it that she would deposit it. I find out that she asked PMB to make the deposit. AS just tells everyone what to do.

Best news of all is that AS will be out of the office on Friday and Monday. YES! I can finally have the lazy person out of the office. Oh I noticed her looking around my desk today for something. It wasn't paper clips, but I'm guessing it was a stapler remover. As if she didn't have enough supplies in her desk drawer (she still has two stapler removers if I remember correctly). Of course I hide my stuff. I don't want her taking things off my desk. She's so LAZY!

AS took the deposit slip book back to her office and I had to make deposits and I was stuck looking for it. Man, if AS would just put stuff back after she uses it. The best thing that she did to screw people in the front was having the deposit slips taken back. She put it with these boxes that are forms that the people in the front use. I swear the people in the font have no idea what the hell goes on with their supplies. Well thanks to AS telling the bank to take back the deposit slips they took a box that they weren't suppose to. Why you may ask? Because AS put it with those other boxes. What kind of stupid person does that?

LA asked me if I had any or if I moved it. I said I haven't moved anything. I just left everything there because that's where it was. Then I told her to remind AS to call the bank up because it was her fault. If LA didn't remind AS to call they would be S.O.L. because AS wouldn't be in the office until next week. At least this taught the people up front a valuable lesson.

AS also had to back up something. Then she wanted everyone to get out of the program so that she could run a back up. AP would have been pissed and I think she was at AS because she wanted to exit the program. I was thinking why don't you tell her you still need it and tell her to do it a little later. AS made such a big deal out it.

The other thing I don't think I mentioned yesterday is how the people in the front can be so stupid. Just because the toner doesn't have a seal doesn't mean that they don't work and are old. Just because they're used to it doesn't mean there's something wrong. I had to call up the toner person to explain to him. Meanwhile I'm super busy and have this stupid problem waste my time because OM isn't bright. Thanks for wasting my time.

If TB ever reads this I know I am soooooooooooo fired.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She went hunting for something on my desk (stapler remover I'm guessing), didn't make the deposit, asked me about something that happened at the end of January (like I would have a clue when I was learning) and asked me why the tenant's check was posted to two different reports. I had no idea. IF she wanted to know why didn't she ask the "expert".
Hours overtime today: .5

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ay yah...

After almost losing a finger at work yesterday thanks to a certain AS I had more work to do today. She's fucking insane to leave scissors wide open when they're: 1. brand new 2. pointy 3. and at 55 years of age you'd think she's fucking know better.

Then today when she decides to do a deposit she: 1. doesn't do another adding tape with the exact same numbers and makes me do it. 2. gave it to me after I was done with all the deposits 3. so dam fucking lazy to do the rest herself though it is my job to do deposits.

OG was in the office today. It was creepy having him sit in AA's chair while he was staring at TB or me while I was eating. It was hard for me to eat my lunch while he was looking at me. Dam I don't know how I managed to get food down.

AP and FCS were complaining about the fees that OG charges for the things that he does. FCS said that he once charged the company to answer the phones. Then an owner wanted to go to their new property and so TB was going to drive them, but then TB suggested that OG drive them. That was crazy. I think the asking price from OG was $75.00 or $50.00 for the trip. I'm not surprised. I wonder how OG can live the way he does when he owes us rent of about 16K. No joke.

I was also told that I did one of the deposits wrong. I'm sorry, but usually I'm so careful. I think it had to be yesterday's deposits. I mixed it up. My mistake. I was in a hurry and so sometimes things happen. It's not like I mean for it to happen. I think AS is just pissed that I "gave" her something to do. Besides the whole deposit thing wasn't enough for her.

OG creeps me out. I hate having AS in the office. OH she's leaving for a couple of days. YES! I'm so happy. Good easier for me this coming Friday. I wonder when TB will be out of the office. I need more time without AS so I can get work done. Man, I'm under so much pressure.

I also noticed that FC is done with filing. Dam he's good. FCS is kind of lazy. She really doesn't want to do anything other than her job. How is she ever going to get a better job? I think that's why they chose me over her for the AR job. How ironic isn't it? You work your ass off to get to a better position and then you don't want it anymore. Dam life sucks.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She didn't add up the checks again for a second time. I had to do it.
Hours overtime today:

Monday, March 07, 2005

Long day...

I get up early for work and I'm on edge the whole day. I mean really I am. I work practically non stop. I work until I left which was my lunch. I men I asked OM if I could leave early since I went to work early. She said she had no problem with it. OM said I have to ask AS because she is my superior. Ha, I could care less what she says. I work without really eating anything. That's terrible by the way.

Then when it's almost time to leave I ask AS if I can leave and she said if you have to you have to. I wonder if she even realizes I was in the office before she was by a whole hour? And that I didn't even take lunch and that I had an appointment. The tone in her voice was like go ahead, but don't make this an everyday thing. I had an appointment and it's not like I can't go to one. She left the office to take her husband to the doctor's so why can't I? Is there some double standard in the office or something? I can't take an hour off just to get my teeth cleaned? Lady, you left the office and I was working my ASS off for you. You should be at least grateful. I had nothing to eat except "goldfish" and one cup of milk tea. I can go without food, but I already did what you wanted. I helped deposit money and checked checks. What more do you want?

She didn't even know what day we stop taking checks. She's really stupid at this point. If the 5th of the month falls on a weekend you have until the following Monday to get it in before 5.00 p.m. Shit dude. I got all the checks checked that was in today what more do you want? And if I get a lecture from her tomorrow I'm going to be pissed off.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She can go take time off for her husband, but if I go for a teeth cleaning it's not allowed?!
Hours overtime today:


Very rarely do I get to see OG in the office. When I did he's just nuts. He went and told me that if I have to do three day notices I should include the statement just so he doesn't have to type up the names. He's so lazy. Damn. I'm not helping him out. He has to be less lazy. Forget him.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS:
Hours overtime today:

Sorry no update...

See above. I will have some soon. Promise.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS:
Hours overtime today:

Friday, March 04, 2005

No one in the office!!!

Today was the most relaxing day by far this week. No one in the office who could bother AA and myself. We could also finally have a full hour of lunch. We just had to catch up on the items that AA had done on Thursday night. Then it was to do as much as we could for AP who needed to pay the mortgage. Then we kept waiting and waiting for the checks to be coded. That took forever.

It wasn't until while we were eating lunch that the checks were done being coded. That meant we couldn't have all the checks deposited. We get a message from AS saying all the checks that belong to First Bank have to deposited by 3.00 p.m. She's dreaming if she thinks that we can get all that done by 3.00 p.m. Well there's the checking of the checks which now takes longer because of the "rules." Then afterwards we have to calculate or add up the checks. Next, we have to input them into the computer. Finally, we have to copy the checks and endorse them. How long will that take? A long time. The checks were check carefully and that meant that some were good and some were bad.

I also had to be on the phone with the attorney (30 minutes is the minimum), TB, a couple of tenants, and PMT. All that took time. While of course I was on the phone with the attorney I couldn't get anything done.

We worked until 8.00 p.m. just checking checks. I mean if that doesn't seem stupid because of "rules" then I don't know what is. The checks were the ones that were missing a little bit off their rent, paying with two checks, were behind in rent, and or just had a partial amount. We just gave up and left it at that when we left.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP: Super loud in a quiet office. Too disturbing for me.
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Called in to say we must get checks into a certain bank. Yeah right. She's dreaming.

Hours overtime today: 2.5

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Swearing in the office?!?!

Today nothing was done. It all started when AS asked AA and myself into her office. She went on and on about how we can't do this and can't do that. Then she went on to say we can't take two checks. So AS and myself were in her office for a good half hour listening to her go on and on about useless things that TB approved. The only money that was posted into the account was about $39,000.00. We had to leave all the problem checks alone and then get cracking on what we had to do.

AA worked overtime. I didn't because I had class. AS is totally power crazy. She wants more done, but there's only two of us working and she wants everything solved right away. Hello? Is there more time in the day? Is there more help? No. I don't know what she's going on and on about. She doesn't even do some of the stuff that's her part. Lazy.

AS said, "Some people don't give a shit." And that's quoting her directly. I don't think she really helps. Some of the mistakes were her fault. And the one tenant that she analyzed she said that if she had questions she'd ask me. Yeah, like I can help.

She also said that we were charged for deposit slips. Was it my fault? Nope. Do you know why? She told me to order them. If she didn't want to get charged so much she should have done it herself. At least that's something for her to do. Then she asked about one of the endorsement stamps. I said that I ordered everything. What we have is what we have. I said that I ordered it for everyone and if it isn't there then it's not there. I have had no time to follow up on this. She thinks I just sit on my ass and do nothing. Is she dreaming? Yes.

Everytime I call up on of the owner's personal attorney's I'm on the phone with him for at least 30 minutes. That's all I'm keep it at too. If I was to be on the phone longer I'd have no time to do anything else. She knows that I talk on the phone with the lawyer. I'm trying to do a couple of things when I'm talking to the lawyer. It's not like I'm just talking with him about non related stuff.

Damn it's like AS thinks I can do five things at once. If she has the money to clone me sure, why not.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Keeping me in her office for 30 minutes to "lecture".
Hours overtime today:

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Stupid things that are stupid...

AS thought it was strange me asking her to do one thing. Make an adjustment to someone's account. The reasons are:
I don't have access.
I wasn't trained.
I didn't know it was part of my job.

Those are the reasons why. She should have told me everything.

FC worked O.T. kind of. OM gets tomorrow off. TB won't be in on Friday. PMT caused me to lose half a day of work. I was then on the phone for 30 minutes with the attorney. That's always lost time that I can't make up. I spoke to a resident manager about one of the tenants to prove that she owes the amount that she does.

AS realized while I went to get lunch that I didn't have power to some of the things that I need to. AS thought it was strange that I would ask her to do something that I should know how to do. Here's where my beef is with AS. She teaches me only the super basics, but nothing else. EVEN AFTER I'm offered the job. Isn't that IRONIC?! I guess not.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: AS asked FCS to get a file for her that was right beside her. What kind of fcuking moron is she?

Hours overtime today:

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Pay DAY!

Alright, it's pay day. I thought I'd have more, but I was wrong. I guess TB didn't like me working so much. Darn. Then while working on things there are a few problems that some tenants have, but it's not like we can fix it. I don't know why AS doesn't help solve those problems. When she got yelled at sort of by TB she tried to place blame on someone else. It's like she doesn't even find out what's going on. She's not "WITH THE PROGRAM" and that's just fucking annoying.

I may know a lot about computers, but like I'm going to waste 5 minutes helping you with a simple problem that can be solved with just a simple restart? God dam it AS get your fucking act together. Same with AP. She asked if we or AA posted a 10K check. I said yes. And I swore AA taught AP how to post everything instead of asking. AP forgot I bet and would rather have someone else do it. WHAT IS THIS FUCKING WORLD COMING TO?

OG was in the office today. I had placed a phone call and such to him to get something from him. Did he do it? No. Did I tell TB? No. Because I was hoping that he could at least get it done sometime soon. He thought it would be cute to write on the calendar that he should get St. Patrick's day off just because he's part Irish. What a joke that was.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP: Said, "Shit." on the phone to a PG&E representative. That is really unprofessional.

My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She asked FC to punch holes in something that she could have done herself. She asked me how to get rid of something that showed up that's part of her printer program while I had stuff to do.

Hours overtime today: