Monday, March 21, 2005

The best story I've heard all year...

FCS told me something funny. I only mention this because I was in a bad mood, but this cheered me right up. When the old AR was here he came back from moving his car (it's permit parking only 2 hour limits) and AR said that he saw a car being towed. It was a green Accord. That was AS's car. FCS went out and then saw AS looking for her car. AS said she parked it here, but it's not there anymore.

Later AS gets a call from the impound lot saying they have her car. Also, a cab was called so she could go and pick up her car. What kind of person parks their car and blocks a person's driveway? A lazy ASS that's who. I swear people think it's to be me, but it isn't. I have a desk swamped with papers. I have checks in a drawer that I don't even want to touch. That's how terrible my desk is. I'm going to devote myself until the middle of this week to get all the problems solved. If I have to look over a ledger I'm doing it at home. I can't sit in the office to do it.

Thank God AS left me the hell alone. I swear one more thing to bug me about and I'd lose my mind.

I think the one thing that will stand out from today is the transgender who came in. She said that it was strange that her check wasn't cashed. She got a money order instead just in case to pay off the rent. After she left TB wondered if it was a guy or a girl. I said it's a girl. She was a he, but now a she. Then I had to say we have another one living on Divisadero. TB was somewhat shocked because I guess he's sheltered. I had no problem knowing. I guess all those times watching Maury finally paid off. Is it a Man or a Woman? shows really worked. Nothing can phase me. I guess it's all part of living in San Francisco.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS:
Hours overtime today:


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