Today was a crazy day. OK, not that crazy, but relaxing. I mean I had a few problems. I worked to get everything into the computer. I realized that some I didn't have to, but my brain was on over drive. No one to "supervise" me left me working harder than I usually do. I think because I didn't have someone looking over my shoulder all the time. Maybe because it was just a couple of things that went wrong and not too many problems.
Today there were a few things that went fine. I mean there were a few tenant calls that I cleared up, but nothing that I couldn't handle. Simple calls which were fine with me. Then when TB forwarded calls to me I thought oh great. There's one tenant that wanted to know if we cashed her check because she had to balance her check book. Geez. Those are the calls that are just a pain to return unless it's a machine. Then there was some other guy who asked if he wrote his check came in and stuff.
I had to rush to get the checks done so that they could be taken to the bank. I hurried up and I did it as fast as I could. I tried to be fast and accurate. I just wanted to get rid of all the checks so I didn't have to look at any and pull out any 3 Day notices. Whatever was outside I just left there. I said forget it. I'll just be lazy for a day. I have so much to catch up on it wasn't even funny.
I did the 3 Day notices and I put them together with the statements that AA had done. Eventually they'll have to be together anyway, but TB has to approve it before it gets sent out. I put it on his desk so that he could look it over and get them signed for me.
OG was in the office today. I was shocked to see him. He does use the office supplies to do his work. He does leech off the office. I thought our supplies were low and there's the reason. I got almost everything done and I'm learning slowly to do things. I mean I reversed a late fee today which is something big. I learned how to post to GL yesterday I think or the day before that. See I'm slowly learning from AA, but AS hasn't a clue what I know and what I don't know.
I have a terrible memory. I forget where I place things and when and where things are. If there is memory food out there please let me know. PR was asking for time sheets and I forgot where they were and that I had some. That's terrible. I'm saying sorry left and right to people that call and to PR.
I did everything I had to and was shocked to find out TB said that we could leave at 3.00 p.m. AA and I were
happy. We thought we deserve it and earned it. We work so hard it's nice to have a couple of hours off. We left at about 3.15 p.m. but that's OK. As long as we got done the major things then it's fine. First one to leave was LA then AA and myself. I don't know who else was in the office or that left, but OM was there because she was out for part of the day. IF AS was here there would be no way we could leave early.
The joke in the office now thanks to OG is that today was "Africa" hot.
My pet peeve of the day from the AP:
My pet peeve of the day from the AS: NONE!
Hours overtime today: