Monday, February 28, 2005

Another angry day...

OK today I was nicer to PMT. Only because she complained and I guess I have to have some acting skills. So that was solved.

I had so much to do. I felt like the day and the work would never end. The stupid things that AS tells others to do is just ridiculous. She asked where the stationary was. I swear she's nuts on some level and or going through menopause.

Oh bloody hell. I wish it were Friday.

My pet peeve of the day from the AP: Asked about money that was already there, but she was too lazy to check and or post it.

My pet peeve of the day from the AS: Being too lazy to go to the "file box" and just handed the FC the files. Also AS had no clue where files were. It's like AS went brain dead or had some encounter with aliens.

Hours overtime today: 1

Friday, February 25, 2005


Damn, she didn't even let AA go because she wasn't feeling well. I think that it's her time and she's going through the change. She did all that she was suppose to and then AS still felt like she was faking it. Does she not realize we work our butts off to get everything done? She remembered the last time she took half a day off, but she has to take her daughter to the doctor. Why would someone lie about that? She has a daughter or has she forgotten? If the husband can't take the daughter the who will? The "MAGIC ELF"?

If I was a supervisor I'd let her go regardless. She came into work not feeling well already and she worked for half a day. She did all of the major things that had to get done. Why can't she just get over it? Is it because now she loses someone who can do a majority of her work for her? What? IF she keeps this up, she'll have no department left with just someone who can't do a thing because there is no money being processed. AS is just an ungrateful bitch. I'll say it again. BITCH. AA told her that we made deposits. Sure it wasn't much, but at least there were a few. I just did that to shut her up. Man, it's not like I'm sitting there waiting for all the checks to come in at once and then just go crazy.

AS left early at roughly 4.00 p.m. She didn't even say thank you on how hard we worked. She said something along the lines of "it was a short week but we got a lot done." WTF is that? She also expected money to get posted. Hello? I'm working on other things. If she cloned me maybe I could get more done. But we don't have an extra person doing stuff so of course it will be a little slow. She thinks that it's so easy to check every single check and then you can just start putting it into the accounts. I'm not a witch and I have NO MAGICAL POWERS!

Then when I'm about to leave I am "told off" by the OM. She said that I'm giving others "attitude". Now I'm not a tattletale, but if someone is giving me "attitude" I'm giving others it back. The saying goes "you get what you give". If AP is a bitch to me then I'm going to be the same. Here's what she did today. She walks up the stairs and says, "I need money. The owner wants their check." In my head I'm thinking well I want money too, but do I have any? No. If she asked me a bit nicer with please and thank you I'd be a little nicer, but she's just a bitch as well. She swears a lot and then demands money. I don't have to put up with this.

OM also said that R doesn't like the way I was going through her stuff. Sorry, if I want to get stuff done and show some progress. Is it a crime now to just ask for stuff? Then OM said that PMT said I gave her "attitude". Hello?!?! Anyone want to hear my side of the story? PMT will often come into the office and hand whoever is near by papers and say, "I need 100 copies of this and 100 copies of this." No real "thank you". One time she said, "Is it done? I'm leaving now." WTF?

Everyone in the office has an "attitude". OM just doesn't know that because she's up front. She thinks I have it easy in the back. She doesn't even know what kind of crap I have to deal with from AP. AA doesn't like AP and neither do I. I can't stand AS either. She's just a bitch. It was something to see her move two boxes from her office. I was just shocked. AS is so lazy she doesn't even hole punch something into a binder. Like she'll chip a nail or something. LADY it's a freaking hole puncher. You stick paper in it and then press down. DONE. You open the binder and stick that in. HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT?!?

The thing that shocked me the most is she asked if I had a Sharpie. I give it to her not expecting it back. She actually gave it back. I nearly peed my pants! Then she goes and uses AA's computer. She didn't know how to restart a computer let alone turn it on. How about she get a book called, PCs For Dummies instead of reading whatever she does read? My god lady! You've been on the job for more than 33 years! that's more than half your life! Can't you do the simple things?! Is it because you make more money and so it's ok for you to be a snob?!

AS also made a big deal about me learning something new. She said I'd have to learn how to do it eventually. Why couldn't I learn next month? Why does it matter when I learn it? The ironic part is that I don't even have access to it. Why would she make me do it if I DON'T HAVE ACCESS?!?!

The OM is a fucking joke. The funniest thing I heard come out of her mouth is that "We want to be one big happy family." Fuck this. Man with AS being a total bitch there isn't anyway that's happening. Same with PMT. She's a total bitch too. I can't forget AP she's one too. Fuck this one big happy family shit.

My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She left early and gave her husband a call saying she's going home. Not letting AA go home because she was sick. Telling me I had to do something when I had no time, plus I had no access.

Hours overtime today: .5 kind of, but I didn't write it down so 0.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Time sheets!!

I was at work and I was starving. No breakfast, no milk tea for the second day in a row. I only had one square of chocolate. I know how healthy right? I get to work trying to give answers to PMA about his tenants. I did ok, and gave him a rough one. I only did more research when I had more time.

OG was in the office today. He said he finally knew how to tie his hair up. Before he had a mirror and was trying to see how to tie it. Then he said if he closed his eyes he could tie it up himself. Some how I think he's just stupid. You could do it in the dark. Granted if it's in the dark it won't be as great.

Time for the AS segment as I like to call it now. AA asked me to make deposits. I had to make a few and so I just did it the same time as when I did the others. After I did a couple I asked her again what did I have to do. Here's where AS comes in. She butts in and asks what is the question? I say I'm not sure what to do. I put everything down, but it was like ok what now. Then she says AA is still new and she wouldn't know. You have to hand write in some jargon and then the account number. I go OK. The fact that she thought I was stupid insulted me. She handed me a check and said this is from an owner. You have to put it in as a new charge. OK I get the point. I've done a few of those to know what they are. It's like she thinks I'm really stupid and forgot.

OM said something to FC that disturbed me. He said. Ms. (insert last name) said he had to get it done by the end of Friday. The pile is like two feet tall roughly and he has to get it done by Friday. She's dreaming. I'm going to tell him to just take it easy. Don't even worry and I'll stick up for you.

Today I couldn't help out because I had to get 3 days out before rent comes in. Some are in, but I can't post it. So it just sits and the only thing I can do is just wait. AP was a total bitch. She said to AA I need money for condos and also midtown. I said I have some money, but not a lot. She said she'd take it. But the tone in her voice was like I want money and I want it now. I would have said screw you and up yours.

My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She thinks I forgot how to do something so simple and had to tell me again. She puts a check into the deposit slip book thinking someone would get the hint. If the check was lost it would be on her brilliant idea to do it that way.

My pet peeve from the rest of the office: WO asked me if we had these special looking pouches for keys. Sure, every time I ask if they need anything and no one says anything. Damn, know what you use and check your supplies. I'm not FUCKING OFFICE DEPOT!

Hours overtime today: 0

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Cute guy...

OK he's not a cute guy, but a cute tenant. I know where he lives, but he's got a girlfriend. =( His girlfriend is also Chinese. =(

If he ever breaks up, I'm waiting! Too bad I don't know how old he is.

This is the one that came in yesterday.


She found some of the lockbox items that I had already done, but forgot to give to PR. She asked AA what they were and what it meant. AA explained to AS that I would use a stamp that said "POSTED" and write down the batch and the date so that we don't enter it a couple times. She was like oh. So where do they go now? She ended up giving them to PR. What the hell is it her business what I do? This was strike one.

OK so we have the month end closing going on and I'm helping out with the statements. AS did something to cause strike number two. She asked me if I wanted to learn how to do something. Can she not see that I'm helping out with the month end statements? She asked that questions like I was free and would drop everything to help her out. WRONG! She acts like the office should be around her and not everyone else's. She thought it was FCS and myself helping out AA. She has no clue what the hell goes on. She didn't even bother helping.

AS has known TB for 12 years. They used to be business partners. She's not even part of the company. If she's making AA do everything then why is she even in the office? To do the easy stuff? Why? What is her purpose? PMT is a little better now. I almost got yelled at by PMA. Terrible I am. I haven't done a lot. Sad I am.

OG was in the office. I was wondering who was in TB's office. That answered my question.

Times AS ticked me off today: 2

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Too crazy!

I get to work and I don't know where to start. Let's start with what I did when I started at 9.00 a.m. I started to go over the 3 day notices because PMT said she'd be in to go over who she wants to be sent over to the attorney. Then after I had to help OG tie his hair. It was GROSS! EW! I had nasty hands for a while. He's so lazy too.

I ask him to do something and he doesn't do it until he comes back from wherever. So annoying. I think TB asked him before he left too, but he's such a slacker. He made me go through his pile of stuff to see who he had done. Then I asked him on what to do with those that paid. He said he hope TB knows what the old AR had to go through.

I'm working on trying to help out the people doing the statements though it's not my duty, but I help out because I'm nice like that. I had to do what I had to do and then help them out. My stuff first then the rest. It's a pain looking for stuff and trying to figure out what's what. I had to ask OG to get me what I needed. That took time because I had to go back and check for him because sometimes if they pay the it's pointless to do proof of service.

The point that I had to make was that if FCS stayed late to help we might have gotten more done, but she's always out at about 5.00 p.m. It's not my job to help, but I do. AS also asked for more stationary. She doesn't think that she could maybe use a little less or just use a copy of it? Sometimes I'll never know what goes on in someone who's worked more than me.

PMT came in, but she didn't bug me, but she's crazy anyway. AP was crazy too. I heard she went to some casino and probably lost money if she was in a foul mood, but then again it might be a hormone imbalance. FC did filing today and I didn't mean to bite his head off, but while I'm working hard in TB's office I'd rather not be disturbs since it does take a lot of effort doing what I'm doing. I told him not to worry about it. At least he's doing ok.

PR I had to tell her that we're working on her filing. One thing at a time. Heck I could file it myself since I know how it works, but I'm afraid I'll get the "why aren't you working on other things?" Good thing I ordered supplies last week and hopefully they come. People are just so ungrateful for what I do.

My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She thinks that FCS and myself help the AA with month end statements only. She also believe that invoices and copying gets done magically.

Hours overtime today: 1 hr.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Day off! Or was it?

President's day.

My pay...

Ok I'll admit I didn't start with a super high pay. Here's how I got raises.

09/30/04 - 01/01/05 - $10.00/hr. (I know that's cheap)
11/15/04 (not too sure on this date) - $300.00 bonus (just me)
12/18/04 (not too sure on this date) - $500.00 bonus (everyone in the office)
01/01/05 - 02/17/05 (I think that's when this one is until) - $12.50/hr. (this is a $2.50 raise from before)
02/17/05 (date when boss said I got $5,000.00 more per year) - $14.90/hr. (this is a $2.40 raise from before)

Isn't that insane? I also took a vacation in November, so technically I haven't worked 3 months. Actually I have. I think. I took 2.5 weeks off roughly. Someone who can do math will fix this. But strange right?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

In my dreams?!?

Alright so here's the dream:

I dreamt that I had to stay overnight, yes overnight at work. The office was different looking (front door). Then when I opened the filing cabinet I was shocked to find canned food. I thought it must be PMT trying to piss me off. Then I woke up. Horrible if I'm dreaming about work on Sunday. Thank god for Monday's holiday. Time to rest up.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Last day for TF and the new day for the FC...

Let's start with this morning. First I am ready to make a deposit. I pulled open the cabinet and then ended up getting it slammed on my arm. Not a great morning. Then I start to highlight stuff and I ended up highlighting my hand. I also dropped my pen and then another pen on the floor. I think I nearly tripping while leaving the AS's room. Then I made a big mess and then had to figure out how to do or keep stuff in order. I might as well just have them all in a binder, but then it looks unprofessional to have holes punched in them. Oh well.

So OG was in the office today as he said he would be in everyday. Great. Just great. He was asked to go to the "attic" and pull some files. I made a comment to AA saying the only thing going through OG's mind is CHA-CHING! He goes and gets the files and I think he put away some too. PMT comes in and says that TB asked her to come in to look over people who she might send to the attorney. I swear she told me to send four (4) to them. I tried to get started on it, but she said I never said that. The joke's on her when she wants me to do it on Tuesday.

It's nearly two and the AS still isn't back from lunch. I think she was eating with her husband, but I'm not sure. She was gone for ages. Finally AA and I say let's go to eat. We can't wait for her to come back to eat Japanese food. I ended up not eating that and just having Vietnamese. After I just walked around to just try and relax.

I get back from lunch thinking that the FC will be there. He wasn't. I was thinking where is this kid? I know he must not have a car, but why isn't he here? Was he having too much fun or something since it was his day off of school? He does show up and Landa tells him what to do by handing him a piece of paper that means nothing to him. He then gets started on the filing of the folders. I see him and then try to help him out. I make a few suggestions and then get back to what I'm suppose to be doing.

The new person in the office is the FC. He's in high school (Lowell) and he's a senior. His name is Alex. Yeah everyone remembered, but me. OK AS didn't remember, but that's her. Poor guy is standing around waiting for something to do, but the OM is on the phone. I take the chance and tell him to go get the pile of papers that are outside and then start sorting them out. He does so in PMA's office since he'll be away until Wednesday. Poor guy is trying to figure out what to do and then he gets stuck. He asks AA, but she doesn't know and then he asked me. I try to help him out saying this is the best say to do it. Of course, everyone has their own way of doing things, it's just that my way makes more sense. OK I'm BIASED.

Poor guy hasn't even done a lot of filing, but at least I know he'll be coming in every single day. It'll take him about two months to get those two piles down. I would have tried to help him sort out the files, but I don't really have the time. I don't want to take home the papers to sort it out for him. The best advice I gave him was, "If you can't find it them out it aside and get back to it later." That way he can get the pile down to a manageable size and then do it later on.

My pet peeve of the day from the AS is: She asked if there was paper ordered because we had no more and the front took the last two packs leaving the back looking for some. She only knows how to use it and thinks "magic elves" brings paper into the office.

Hours overtime today: .5

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I got a raise!!

Yes, I got a 5K raise! I'm now up to 31K a year. It only took me a little less than half a year. I know nothing about accounting, but I'm doing it. I can't believe it. I'm making $14.42 an hour! What's new now? AS doesn't want to talk to an owner and the whole office heard it. PMA and TB are going on vacation. PMA will be back on Wednesday. TB will be back on the 28th which is the end of the month.

We have a new filing clerk! He's from Lowell High School, but I'm not sure about his name and what grade he's in, but at least I have help! I think the best part is that he's Chinese and so hopefully he's not too much of an ABC.

The old A/R person was spoken of in the office. It was P talking to TB about him. I don't know how they're going to explain this, but I hope it's OK. TD asked me if the item I left in her box is for her and I said yes. I guess I have to put notes on it for them. I was told by TB to do it and that's why I did. I think I have to change my position, but there's so much to do.

TB asked me if OG gave me letters saying he served those people. The rule is that he has to. TB said he'll talk to OG about it. The worse part that since TB will be gone OG will be in the office more. He even said so. GREAT. JUST GREAT. I don't like OG. He's too odd. I got asked what is he. He's Native American I think and Irish. So he's a drinker and a smoker. Terrible habits on both.

Today I called him and he actually came. I was shocked! Really I was. Usually he doesn't show up until the next day. So he better get with the program and do his job or he'll hear from me and or he'll get it from TB.

With PMA out and just PMB I wonder if I'll have time and if he can hold down the fort. It'll be something to see PMB approve the statements for everyone. He'll just go ok no problem and what not. I have so much to do and with the end of the month closing it's like please help someone!

Tomorrow is another day and more problems to solve.

Hours overtime today: 0

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

AS gone and TF gone what do I do?

I raided AS's desk. Here's what I found:

- 2 dozen at least (that's 12 + 12 because 1 dozen is 12) pens in her desk
- 3 stapler removers
- 4 highlighters at least (3/4 yellow and one pink)
- 3 sharpies (no wonder I had none on my desk)
- 2 rulers maybe 3
- a lot of paper clips
- a lot of small clips
- 2 correction tapes

That's all in her drawer!! My god! Of course I stole some supplies from her! Good grief! I mean she keeps taking stuff off my desk and I know she does because she asked me if this was my pen. I was looking for it and I even made it known to her that I was when I asked the LAN where stuff was.

My $0.02 for the day:
People who take supplies and leave them all over and then take your stuff because they think they're higher than you.

AS is soooooo messed up!

I never realized how ungrateful people were until today. AS took the rest of the stationary or letterhead and said we're out. OK. I can see that and when I went to get some earlier I saw that too. She asked me who ordered it. I said I did. I also said I don't have time to do it. It's not like it's my job to do five things at once in the office. So I'm the A/R person, but does that mean I have time to go around to check for supplies? I don't do it as often, because I don't have time. Heck I didn't even sort out the filing for the poor sap who's going to take over for me.

If I'm doing other stuff like taking over the A/R position then the other stuff that I had to do before is going to be neglected of course. I can't be held responsible for the stuff that isn't purchased in the office. Unless they're willing to pay me overtime for dong all of these things and letting me take a couple of days off here and there, they should pass the supplies job on the FCS.

That's my two cents.

Hours overtime today: 2


He was dressed like he was:

A. Robbing a bank
B. Trying to be Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible
C. A thief

You can decide since he was wearing all black and I think he might have had a beany on. On a side note it was funny when PMA and PMB both wore a yellow rain coat and jeans, but just different shoes. One of them made a joke and said that they called each other up to find out what they were wearing so they could be twins. =)

My screw up came back to haunt me...

Today I check my voice mail and then I find out that a tenant wants a copy of the 3 Day notices. I thought oh crap. I knew this would come back to haunt me and it did. I had to "fake" the letter. I mean What else could I do? Plus I took the person's rent and so the only thing left on there was the late fee. I couldn't give them a copy of the late fee one. Then I did get a few of the NSF done, but I had no property manager sign so that went down the drain.

PMT came in and I told AA I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse. I'm sure AS heard me. She's always into everything. I think and I hope TB doesn't want AS to help out as much in the office. I think he wants do everything and leave her out of it.

I heard that TF is leaving on Friday. Oh well, I'd like to think I was nice to him. I told him when PMA was off the phone and I say morning to him and bye. OK I take a little while to warm up to people, but still not bad. I stayed until 7.00 p.m. roughly working. That also reminded me to do my time sheet. It's not that I want more pay, it's just that I didn't even get through a lot of the people who I had to. I could have taken everything home, but I have homework!

After I left and tried to solve people's problems which weren't easy and about 20 minutes per tenant on paper, I had to give up. There's still so much I have to do. I hope I get it done.

Hours overtime today: 2

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I got the job!?!?

From the way I heard TB tell one of the owners, I guess I have the job. I mean I did screw up, but hopefully it won't bite me in the rear later on. So I have a million post-its around my monitor and I don't know if that's a good thing. There's also some on my wall. Terrible really. I got PMT into trouble. It's really her fault. I don't understand why she doesn't get it that I'm not her personal assistant in the office. She wants the world to revolve around her.

TB called her up and said don't bother her while she's working. It's true. He can now see how I function without phone calls. If I had to take tenant calls I would be unable to do anything. I'm sure I had my DND on, but she still managed to get though. Ironic isn't it? Then TB ask me who called. I said it was PMT and then he called her back and told her off.

Then I find out that the OM crashed her car again. It's the second time or something to her new or semi new Lexus. How unfair that she would have this nice of a car and the rest of us drive crap. Then PMB starts on a story about how some tenants committed suicide. The sad part is one jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and the other I'm not sure. They had the police there and what not to get the other guy out I think, but I'm not sure if it's the same one. He said the one that jumped off the bridge the apartment was terrible. It was trashed and there were boas and also snakes and something that looked like a pipe bomb. One of the guys was a chemist so that's why.

PMA got into an accident today. He messed up his 2004 BMW. He hit a silver Toyota. How ironic that two silver cars would hit each other. I have a few things to do, but every time I go and talk to TB I forget what I'm doing. Unless I'm concentrating on one thing like rent then I'm pretty much screwed. I know that's a terrible word to use, but that's the one that fits best.

On Thursday we get a new file clerk! Thank God! I bet it's going to be a guy and the AP person will drool all over him. FCS is just filing the folders and nothing else. I feel sorry for the poor guy. See more guys in the office, but none right for me. Ironic no?

Hours overtime today: 0

Monday, February 14, 2005

Getting OG in trouble...

On Friday I called OG to come and pick up 3 Day notices for him to send out or deliver or whatever it's called. I think it's serve, but whatever. He comes in today on Valentine's Day with a box of chocolates (not that I care because I don't) and while I'm making copies he small talks with me about something. I could careless what he wants. All I want him to do is take the stuff off my desk and deliver it.

TB asks me if they were sent out. I said I called OG up and told him to come and pick it up. Well at least to give me a call back in the office. He never called back. Then I had to pull out the notices for those that paid, making it more work for me. TB told the guy that he gets paid for it, and that he should do it. It wasn't a threat, but it might as well have been. He then said that this is the most that he's had to serve. Some places he didn't even know where they were and he had to pull out a map.

I forgot my umbrella and thought, there's a spare in the closet. Little did I know that it was broken and made me look homeless. I just thought it's good enough to go and get lunch with then it's fine with me. Now I know better to leave an umbrella at work just in case I forget mine.

Hours overtime today: 0

Friday, February 11, 2005

Persons in the office...the short version.

The Boss - TB
Property Manager A - PMA
Property Manager B - PMB
Property Manager T - PMT
Accounting Supervisor - AS
Accounts Payable - AP
Accounts Receivable - AR
Accounting Assistant - AA
Office Manager - OM
Leasing Agent N - LAN
Leasing Agent T - LAT
Work Order - WO
Receptionist - R
File Clerk - FC
File Clerk S - FCS
Temp F - TF
Payroll - P
Odd Guy - OG

There. Now you shall know who I'm referring about in the office.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

A little less on edge...

TB wasn't in the office so I had it some what easy. Then AS left and wouldn't be back until Tuesday so I'm jumping for joy. After she left I really did do a little dance. I had a great lunch because the people who were in charge were gone. I just sat and relaxed a little.

Now to find a way to keep my screw up a secret. Please pray.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I screwed up big time...

Yes I did. I forgot to make copies and let the person take the 3 Day Notices out to the field. My bad on my part and because the first time TB ran me through it. This time it was all on me and to get them out. Well I did get them out, but now I don't have a record of it. So I'm pretty much screwed.

TB called the OM saying that I shouldn't get any messages about 3 Day Notices. I haven't done any check processing because I was stuck solving problems. Mostly trying to get a hold of people, programming a fax machine, and then trying to talk to someone who could help me. I should have done a few checks, but then I did sort them and I had to learn. I realized I do the batches slowly. I'm not as fast as I thought, but then again I'm tired and worn out.

I'm so drained and I'm stressing about the office. I just can't sit on my rear all day long. It's making me crazy crunching numbers. I had many questions and some were answered. Then when I wanted to get a little done it was time to go home. Tomorrow I will make the effort to post some checks.

FCS actually did some filing of the folders. With the folders in the file box and the other papers that had to be filed it's at least 2.5 feet tall. No joke. If I could take a picture of it I would have. I just didn't want to draw attention to myself. It was two large files and they're getting worse since the files are growing. The ones that go to collection and or don't hog a lot of room.

I better get my act together or I'm screwed.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

How many hours are in a regular work day?

I get to work and first thing I do is copy the checks to get them deposited. I mean the properties need money and since I didn't do that yesterday I had to do that first thing. In fact, yesterday I should have already sent out 3-Day notices to those that owe at least two months rent. But I didn't get that out so I screwed myself over pretty much.

I was programming the fax machine to help me out and what happened? I started talking to myself. TB (The Boss) said something about me talking to myself. I said yes I know I'm talking to myself. It was the only way I was going to get stuff done. I programmed some numbers into the machine, but the fact that it can hold about 200 number is scary.

Then today I had to do five different things. I know I should be concentrating on the one job of accounts receivable, but the file box was getting HIGH. When I left work it was at least two feet high.

I was terrible since I didn't get stuff done yesterday, but there's just not enough hours for me to get stuff done. I spent I don't know how long in front of the fax machine trying to program numbers into it. Every time I pressed the buttons to program it, it seemed like I was swearing.

TB (the boss) said that he was leaving and that he would be in early. I made a joke and said wow that is early, but he only came back because he forgot something. I know I cracked a lame joke, but I had to do it. Then when it was almost time to leave I had to still fax stuff over to people. I didn't get it done, but man, I wish I did. I had to talk to the OM, but she went to talk to PMA (property manager A) and then I made a joke with PMB about how when he heard the beeping coming from the fax machine t was me cursing. Of course I wasn't cursing, but I wanted to.

The words I longed to hear from the OM (office manager): I'll have FCS (file clerk s) do some tomorrow. I have been waiting for those words for ages. No wait, eons. Yes, eons.

Sooner or later I think I'll have a nervous breakdown. I bet I'll be first too.

Hours overtime today: 0

People of the office...

The Boss - owner tall guy with moustache
Property Manager A - The one that says, "Good morning" and turns off the heat but asks first.
Property Manager B - The one who cracks jokes and is easy going
Property Manager T - talks really fast and thinks you're "dumb/slow"
Accounting Supervisor - gets paid a lot to "supervise"
Accounts Payable - annoying with a whinny voice
Accounts Receivable - gone but I'm somewhat taking over
Accounting Assistant - cool and gives me a lift to work and home every day
Office Manager - has a "loud" laugh
Leasing Agent N - don't really know if she knows what she's doing
Leasing Agent T - hardly in the office, but annoying/rude as well
Work Order - was the receptionist until the person before her left
Receptionist - a temp, but might be permanent, but doubtful
File Clerk - me, but this is only "part-time" or when I have "free-time" to file
File Clerk S - been there the longest besides the Office Manager, but doesn't help me out with my filing, but I did with hers
Temp F - he's working on stuff that the boss can't do. I don't know how long he'll be here, but he's been here a week at least
Payroll - she's hardly in the office, but she's there. Everyone ignores her, but I think she's cool. I'm nice to her since she hands out pay checks. Gotta be you know?
Odd Guy - in and out of the office once in a while, but mostly not in the office. He's strange too.

These are all the people in the office. Just so you have a information about them all when I talk about them.

Monday, February 07, 2005

The two most used words in the office...

Main Entry: project
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: undertaking
Synonyms: activity, adventure, affair, aim, assignment, baby, bag, blueprint, business, concern, deal, design, enterprise, exploit, feat, game plan, intention, job, matter, occupation, outline, pet, plan, program, proposal, proposition, scheme, setup, strategy, task, thing, venture, work

Main Entry: research
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: examination
Synonyms: analysis, delving, experimentation, exploration, fact-finding, fishing expedition, groundwork, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, investigation, legwork, probe, probing, quest, scrutiny, study

I heard that a lot today. Accounting Supervisor said it and The Boss said it. Don't they own a thesaurus? They could change the words and use something different. I worked myself ragged and I'm surprised I even remembered things from Friday. This proves I think about work too much.

Today the Accounting Supervisor said doesn't it feel like you're doing two jobs? She asked that to Accounts Payable and Receivable assistant and I had to chime in with, "I am doing two jobs." Which is true since no one is filing. I try to file all the folders, but the reality is that it's not going to happen. The other "clerk" doesn't even help me out and so I'm stuck working over time to get things done.

I did have to move out of the way since the lights were being changed. I know I tried to do some filing then, but not much. There's just so much and I don't have enough time. I tried to put away the folders, but I didn't even get to do that. I just sorted the papers that had to be filed.

We got all of the rent checks done. The funniest today had to be when the Office Manager turned in rent to me and told a little story. This guy comes in and hands the check and says this is rent and it's 5 o'clock. I thought that was priceless. Now everyone who sends in a payment except with some are late.

An hour of over time, but not everything done. The ones with the most have copies of the checks and the rest don't. Some are endorsed or as I like to call them "stamped". I do forget to do that sometimes. I don't know why either.

Hours overtime today: 1
Total hours worked over time this month as of today: 8.5

Saturday, February 05, 2005

New position?

Not sure, but if I keep thinking about it, it'll make me crazy.