Main Entry:
projectPart of Speech: noun
Definition: undertaking
Synonyms: activity, adventure, affair, aim, assignment, baby, bag, blueprint, business, concern, deal, design, enterprise, exploit, feat, game plan, intention, job, matter, occupation, outline, pet, plan, program, proposal, proposition, scheme, setup, strategy, task, thing, venture, work
Main Entry:
researchPart of Speech: noun
Definition: examination
Synonyms: analysis, delving, experimentation, exploration, fact-finding, fishing expedition, groundwork, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, investigation, legwork, probe, probing, quest, scrutiny, study
I heard that a lot today. Accounting Supervisor said it and The Boss said it. Don't they own a thesaurus? They could change the words and use something different. I worked myself ragged and I'm surprised I even remembered things from Friday. This proves I think about work too much.
Today the Accounting Supervisor said doesn't it feel like you're doing two jobs? She asked that to Accounts Payable and Receivable assistant and I had to chime in with, "I
am doing two jobs." Which is true since no one is filing. I try to file all the folders, but the reality is that it's not going to happen. The other "clerk" doesn't even help me out and so I'm stuck working over time to get things done.
I did have to move out of the way since the lights were being changed. I know I tried to do some filing then, but not much. There's just so much and I don't have enough time. I tried to put away the folders, but I didn't even get to do that. I just sorted the papers that had to be filed.
We got all of the rent checks done. The funniest today had to be when the Office Manager turned in rent to me and told a little story. This guy comes in and hands the check and says this is rent and it's 5 o'clock. I thought that was priceless. Now everyone who sends in a payment except with some are late.
An hour of over time, but not everything done. The ones with the most have copies of the checks and the rest don't. Some are endorsed or as I like to call them "stamped". I do forget to do that sometimes. I don't know why either.
Hours overtime today: 1
Total hours worked over time this month as of today: 8.5