Thursday, February 24, 2005

Time sheets!!

I was at work and I was starving. No breakfast, no milk tea for the second day in a row. I only had one square of chocolate. I know how healthy right? I get to work trying to give answers to PMA about his tenants. I did ok, and gave him a rough one. I only did more research when I had more time.

OG was in the office today. He said he finally knew how to tie his hair up. Before he had a mirror and was trying to see how to tie it. Then he said if he closed his eyes he could tie it up himself. Some how I think he's just stupid. You could do it in the dark. Granted if it's in the dark it won't be as great.

Time for the AS segment as I like to call it now. AA asked me to make deposits. I had to make a few and so I just did it the same time as when I did the others. After I did a couple I asked her again what did I have to do. Here's where AS comes in. She butts in and asks what is the question? I say I'm not sure what to do. I put everything down, but it was like ok what now. Then she says AA is still new and she wouldn't know. You have to hand write in some jargon and then the account number. I go OK. The fact that she thought I was stupid insulted me. She handed me a check and said this is from an owner. You have to put it in as a new charge. OK I get the point. I've done a few of those to know what they are. It's like she thinks I'm really stupid and forgot.

OM said something to FC that disturbed me. He said. Ms. (insert last name) said he had to get it done by the end of Friday. The pile is like two feet tall roughly and he has to get it done by Friday. She's dreaming. I'm going to tell him to just take it easy. Don't even worry and I'll stick up for you.

Today I couldn't help out because I had to get 3 days out before rent comes in. Some are in, but I can't post it. So it just sits and the only thing I can do is just wait. AP was a total bitch. She said to AA I need money for condos and also midtown. I said I have some money, but not a lot. She said she'd take it. But the tone in her voice was like I want money and I want it now. I would have said screw you and up yours.

My pet peeve of the day from the AS: She thinks I forgot how to do something so simple and had to tell me again. She puts a check into the deposit slip book thinking someone would get the hint. If the check was lost it would be on her brilliant idea to do it that way.

My pet peeve from the rest of the office: WO asked me if we had these special looking pouches for keys. Sure, every time I ask if they need anything and no one says anything. Damn, know what you use and check your supplies. I'm not FUCKING OFFICE DEPOT!

Hours overtime today: 0


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