Tuesday, February 08, 2005

How many hours are in a regular work day?

I get to work and first thing I do is copy the checks to get them deposited. I mean the properties need money and since I didn't do that yesterday I had to do that first thing. In fact, yesterday I should have already sent out 3-Day notices to those that owe at least two months rent. But I didn't get that out so I screwed myself over pretty much.

I was programming the fax machine to help me out and what happened? I started talking to myself. TB (The Boss) said something about me talking to myself. I said yes I know I'm talking to myself. It was the only way I was going to get stuff done. I programmed some numbers into the machine, but the fact that it can hold about 200 number is scary.

Then today I had to do five different things. I know I should be concentrating on the one job of accounts receivable, but the file box was getting HIGH. When I left work it was at least two feet high.

I was terrible since I didn't get stuff done yesterday, but there's just not enough hours for me to get stuff done. I spent I don't know how long in front of the fax machine trying to program numbers into it. Every time I pressed the buttons to program it, it seemed like I was swearing.

TB (the boss) said that he was leaving and that he would be in early. I made a joke and said wow that is early, but he only came back because he forgot something. I know I cracked a lame joke, but I had to do it. Then when it was almost time to leave I had to still fax stuff over to people. I didn't get it done, but man, I wish I did. I had to talk to the OM, but she went to talk to PMA (property manager A) and then I made a joke with PMB about how when he heard the beeping coming from the fax machine t was me cursing. Of course I wasn't cursing, but I wanted to.

The words I longed to hear from the OM (office manager): I'll have FCS (file clerk s) do some tomorrow. I have been waiting for those words for ages. No wait, eons. Yes, eons.

Sooner or later I think I'll have a nervous breakdown. I bet I'll be first too.

Hours overtime today: 0


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