Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I screwed up big time...

Yes I did. I forgot to make copies and let the person take the 3 Day Notices out to the field. My bad on my part and because the first time TB ran me through it. This time it was all on me and to get them out. Well I did get them out, but now I don't have a record of it. So I'm pretty much screwed.

TB called the OM saying that I shouldn't get any messages about 3 Day Notices. I haven't done any check processing because I was stuck solving problems. Mostly trying to get a hold of people, programming a fax machine, and then trying to talk to someone who could help me. I should have done a few checks, but then I did sort them and I had to learn. I realized I do the batches slowly. I'm not as fast as I thought, but then again I'm tired and worn out.

I'm so drained and I'm stressing about the office. I just can't sit on my rear all day long. It's making me crazy crunching numbers. I had many questions and some were answered. Then when I wanted to get a little done it was time to go home. Tomorrow I will make the effort to post some checks.

FCS actually did some filing of the folders. With the folders in the file box and the other papers that had to be filed it's at least 2.5 feet tall. No joke. If I could take a picture of it I would have. I just didn't want to draw attention to myself. It was two large files and they're getting worse since the files are growing. The ones that go to collection and or don't hog a lot of room.

I better get my act together or I'm screwed.


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